On Thursday, May 9, at 7 pm at the May Speaker’s Series of Allison-Antrim Museum, Mike Strausner will cover the history of the Fort Loudoun site from “prehistoric” times to modern day. The presentation will include details of:
- Native Americans who lived on the before European settlement
- First settlers who built homesteads
- Building of the fort
- Military operations from 1756 to 1765.
The second part of the presentation will discuss the For Loudoun Historical Society’s role at the site, the reconstruction efforts which are underway, and the goals of the Historical Society.
Attending Allison-Antrim Museum’s speaker events are without charge, but donations are greatly appreciated
The facility is wheelchair accessible. For more information, please call 717-597-9010, visit the website at www.greencastlemuseum.org, or follow us on Facebook at Greencastlemuseum.