FALL “SOAR” Bird Walks, The Institute

FALL “SOAR” Bird Walks, The Institute

SOAR (“Studying Ornithology Around the Region”) bird walks IMPORTANT: Locations rotate year-round among several parks in the region, with Waynesboro’s Antietam Meadow Park as “home base.” The remaining schedule for 2023 is below.  (If in doubt about the weather—check...
Pumpkins & Pippins Fall Festival 2023, The Institute

Pumpkins & Pippins Fall Festival 2023, The Institute

Saturday October 21st, 2023 * 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM Support The Institute by bringing your family to a fall celebration of Pumpkins & Pippins! Our third annual Pumpkins and Pippins fall festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 21 from noon to 4 p.m. at Pine...
Remember To Respect the Land & Others

Remember To Respect the Land & Others

Remember…explore Franklin County virtually and visit in person later! It is a perfect time to plan a hiking or biking excursion or a walk on one of the amazing trails of Franklin County. When the time comes to get out a little, remember the rules of etiquette of the...