Totem Pole Playhouse, America’s summer theatre, located in Caledonia State Park between Gettysburg and Chambersburg, PA has announced the second installment of the Playhouse’s new Friday FUN Nights! series, a special “sing-along” screening of the Academy...
Houdini! His Life, His Magic

Houdini! His Life, His Magic

Capitol Theatre in downtown Chambersburg presents Houdini! His Life, His Magic on March 8 at 7:30 PM. Broadway and film actor, Duffy Hudson breathes excitement into the life of Harry Houdini, in a one-man show that celebrates the escape artist’s life and his...
Tommy James Brings Hits to Luhrs Center

Tommy James Brings Hits to Luhrs Center

The H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center at Shippensburg University presents TOMMY JAMES & THE SHONDELLS with very special guests THE BUCKINGHAMS, Saturday, January 19, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Reserved tickets are $75, $65 & $55 and are now on sale. A group discount...