The Franklin County Art Alliance will present its 50th Annual Exhibition from June 12-16, with a tea and award ceremony Sunday, June 12 from 2-5pm, where over $1000 worth of awards will be presented. The show continues June 13-16, from 2-7 PM Monday through Thursday. A wide variety of paintings, photographs, prints and sculptures by area artists will be displayed at Calvary United Methodist Church, 150 Norlo Drive in Fayetteville. Awards have been chosen by Amy Hammond and Carol Buck, of the State Museum of Pennsylvania, in Harrisburg.
The largest art exhibition to be held annually in Franklin County, the 2022 Art Alliance show features 280 works by 85 area artists, and includes watercolors, oils, pastels, prints, drawings, mixed media and sculpture. Door prizes will be awarded each day throughout the show: original works of art by artists that include last year’s Best of Show winner Evie Cook of Waynesboro.
The public is welcome to attend. For more information, call 717-816-7568.